ARCH: treatment

CONTENT / In many different ways, European cities have suffered a common fate: the compulsive increase in buildings, the financialization of the real estate market, the enslavement of urban space to cars. Despite the diversity of individual national events, these are the distinctive traits of the contemporary city that have left on the ground portions of the territory in disuse, incongruent urban fabrics, open wounds in historical structures.


AIMS / Identify the role of project disciplines to remedy the casual use of territorial resources and the dissipation of the urban landscape that we have inherited from the last century.

The city of Forlì will be the scene on which the project workshop will be applied with the aim of regenerating / redeveloping the undecided or degraded spaces of the historic city. Students from other European schools will be able to work remotely based on the descriptions prepared by the University of Bologna, or work on similar topics within the cities where their course is located.


METHOD / Students and teachers from different cultural areas of the project disciplines will work together to contribute to the debate on the possibility of transforming urban space and its perception, proposing a different and integrative logic with respect to the social and economic urgencies imposed by the market rules.

Imagining the shape of the public space by evading the impositions of current utilitarianism means projecting the imagination beyond the horizon of the short range.


SCHEDULE / 2-Week Workshop. Weekly 8-hour class arranged with the students:


Introduction / 17 Feb 2020. Presentation of the city of Forlì and the issues underlying the workshop.


Development / 18-27 Feb 2020.


Final Critic / 28 Feb 2020.


EVALUATION / The workshop is a form of project action based on the exchange of quick proposals. The proposed solutions do not aim to obtain a definitive character but to open debates on the fate of cities in a conjectural and multiple form. By offering points of view distant from the logic and mechanisms that preside over the transformation of cities, they open up a panorama of alternative possibilities capable of conditioning consciences.

The more different and unexpected positions emerge, the more we can consider the experience successful.


Bibliography / Italo Calvino. Visibility, in Six memos for the next millennium. Cambridge, MA: Harward University Press, 1988, pp.81-99


Bologna University (ITALY) /

Antonio Esposito (

Giorgio Liverani (

Martina D’Alessandro (

Francesco Saverio Fera (

Annalisa Trentin (

Martina Focchi (

Paolo Emmanuel Gardelli (

Lorenzo Musto (