RADICAL ENCOUNTERS. The city as a laboratory

AIMS / Learning from the relationships between us and our urban environment students will conceive the program as an open framework, generating new radical scenarios in the city through architecture.

The aim of this workshop is to build upon what has been explored in the previous workshops.


SEMINARS: Reflecting on the architectural program
and concept in architecture, understanding its relationship with the society, through talks with invited architects and artists. EXERCISES: Unpacking the urban fabric. Reading the city as an ecosystem, identifying, understanding, and communicating (exchanging) the spatial and social dimension and qualities of the communities (Human and non- human) around the globe. OUTPUT: Communicating the idea/strategy through the production of an online showcase in form of a public exhibition. Each student will produce 10 images + a text of 200 words.


1. Montage technique (Reflecting)

2. Story tale / max 200 words (Unpacking)

3. Layered drawings / collage technique / AI (Communicating)


Take care of the approach to your study object, how do we prepare for a field visit?

Look and describe the complex networks of agents that make urban life possible.