ARCH: Coastline Window

As a tribute to our coastline …

CONTENT / We know, now, that the rising waters could reach about 90 centimeters. This information should change our way to design the architectural project in this area. Above all, it is a question of letting the site guide the project rather than thinking of the architectural object and inserting it into a natural context.

Each student has to choose one a site located on the coast, a site close to home or a site visited during a trip, … a site well known to the student. The richness of UOU is that we should share the way these sites are experienced in different countries and share our views of how to proceed forward the climate change.

AIMS / The aims of this topic are:

  • To be able to observe, to read one site,
  • To be able to present one site with our sensibility,
  • To understand the rule of a window (not only seen by inside – light, wind, … – but also seen by outside – opening on a landscape, framing
  • To use the window as a pretext of showing something from one point of view (our point of view made of all we are made of OR the one from another)

The architect navigates in his house whose windows have the shape of a tribute, Lucas MERLINI, 1999.



1st working day: Present a sensitive collage (sketch, photo, references that come, free technique) and a story. Both, the collage and the story describe, in a sensitive way, haw the coastline site is experienced by people.

On a beach of Nice, in the South of France, 2015. Martin Parr for Magnum Photos agency.

2nd day: Final crit. Design a photomontage made by the model of a cabin, that stage the landscape (fictional  and reality) as seen through a window. The cabin has to be built with organic material in order to be digested, one day, by the ocean.

Model of Strasbourg Cathedrale seen from Scharrabergheim-Irmstett

– 40km far away from, 2005


SCHEDULE / 2-Week Workshop. Weekly 4-hour class arranged with the students:

Introduction / Friday 30 SEPTEMBER 14:00-14:30 CET

Stories / Thursday 06 OCTOBER before midnight

Presentation of the collages and creating of groups / Friday 07 OCTOBER 2022 – 12h30 – 15h30

Model – Final Crit / Friday 14 OCTOBER 2022– 12h30 – 15h30



  • This topic is about to “read” the site chosen ad how to account of our reading. Be able to “read” the site. What is the best way to explain this data or the other? What are the characteristics of the site that I will use in the project?
  • It is question to exchange our way to live on the coastline depend on where we live in the world. How can I explain the others students my culture and the way this site is experienced?
  • The window is a strong theme of the topic. The different functions of the window are :
    • to watch through,
    • to light the room,
    • to bring the wind into the room,
    • but moreover the way to see the world through our eyes, our culture, our “ourselves”,…
  • To be aware of the climate change and to explain the attitude we can have toward these changes.


References /

Reunion School of Architecture ENSA /

Magalie Munier (

Jane Coulon (