This workshop is intended to confront the world we have received by making its paradoxes visible and revealing the absurdity of a discipline that continues to insist on defining itself from formal and stylistic aspects to deviate towards a factual, operational architecture that acts on the real… even if it does not build anything (especially not building anything).
  1. Research and reflect about architecture as a radical discipline.
  2. Select your topic and scale (from the XS of furniture to the XL of planetary urbanism), locate it in our (or other) planet and briefly present it to the rest of the students (in groups of 3-4).
  3. Compose a genealogy or bloodline of radical projects that anticipated yours.
  4. Write down a sequence of words to summarize your radical project (such as indiscipline, fear, game, utopia…etc)
  5. Design an action/activity, according to your radical proposal prior to the design of anything and present it to the rest of the students.
  6. Achieve and draw design, architecture or urbanism that fits the previous radical action/activity.


The final exercise is to create a Drawing where the students are asked to put together their radical present proposal + a short Manifesto to reflect on the result.
Confront present social issues and conflicts by linking architecture and criticism acknowledging how the different layers are built up.