AIMS / The function of the street space and the way it’s perceived depend on activity level of its users. Observation and analysis of the street in an urban, universal design and artistic key.

Second edition.


1. analysis of:
– the function of buildings – urban composition
– user activity and movement – impressions

2. project of selected space
3. Street art way of communicating and presenting the project


19/04 pdf with observations, photos, videos and analysis sketches

26/04 pdf with the final version design including swot and street art implementation.

STRENGTHS / Training in perceptiveness and the sense of observing real situations in urban areas (in situ). A chance to draw a design directly in the urban fabric. A chance to discuss with street users.


Reus School of Architecture. Ear (URV)

Ferran Grau & Sílvia González & Pablo Roel & Arnau Tiñena & Juan M. Zaguirre